Friday, March 19, 2010

All Aboard!

Wow, the first post is pretty difficult, huh? Wonder if this is what writer's feel when they hit a stumbling block mid-story. I'm reminded of the scene in Beetlejuice where Winona Ryder's character starts her suicide letter (no folks, I'm not there so don't go sending this in to the help lines). She write, "I am alone. I am utterly alone. By the time you read this I will be gone. Having jumped, having plummeted off the River Winter Bridge." See? No worries, just a comparison to writing, not offing myself.

Anyway, I think the rambling above will be a constant theme throughout this blog, so I apologize in advance if this is hard to follow sometimes. I have trouble following my own train of thoughts regularly. They just come out of nowhere and are not the most well-behaved either. Little buggers will NOT be silenced. Really wish I had a mute button for my head sometimes. But since I don't, I guess I'm just going to have to learn how to deal with it. Suggestions are welcome. Well, as long as they don't involve anything weird. Not much into candlewax on the nipples, or witchcraft, or anything of the sort. Sorry, another movie thought. Yep, this is how it works in this little space between my ears. With all the jumbled mess in there, I certainly hope there is room for improvement.

Till my next rambling. . .

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